Jan 6, 2007

Occasional Moan 1 - No Thank You's.

Occasionally things tick me off. On most occasions i do nothing about it but just mumble under my breath and carry on but hey, i got a blog and there is no chance that anyone will punch me on the nose on here so what the hell.
Ever held open a door for someone and they just walk straight through the thing without even a mumble of thanks? Boy, does that ever annoy me. It would take a milli-second to say Thanks, Ta, Cheers or anything at all.
Why make yourself look a ignorant twat by pretending that the door has magically stayed open by itself and there is not some guy stood there helpfully holding for you? If i wasn't such a nice person i would let the door go and watch it slap them in their fat ugly face or chase them and demand some recognition for my good deed. But i am a nice person. And i will continue holding doors open. Damn i'm so spineless sometimes.

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